Web-Vet TM Neurology Specialists

Laurent Garosi - Bio
Professional Positions
Clinical Director, Vetoracle
Head of Neurology / Neurosurgery Service, Davies Veterinary Specialists until 2019
BSAVA Bourgelat Award for outstanding international contributions to the field of small animal practice

Laurent is a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Neurology (ECVN), RCVS/EBVS European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology and Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon by meritorious contributions to clinical practice.
He is currently clinical director in teleneurology at CVS referral, UK. In autumn 2019, Laurent opened a new teleneurology company called Vet Oracle, the first of its kind, offering off-site specialist clinical and advanced imaging neurological expertise across the globe.
His main clinical and research interests are cerebrovascular diseases, neuro-imaging, paroxysmal dyskinesia and feline neurology.
Laurent has published widely in the field of neurology and is a regular speaker on the national and international continuing education circuit. He is past president of the ECVN, past chief examiner of the ECVN examination committee, co-founder of the Facebook page Veterinary Neurology and co-editor of a textbook on Small Animal Neurological Emergencies.