Web-Vet TM Neurology Specialists

Websites and Online Resources

Surface drawings and transverse, horizontal, and sagittal sections of the dog brain digitized from the out-of-print 1962 volume The Anatomy of the Dog Brain in Section by Marcus Singer.

University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine veterinary anatomy website with great illustrated cadaver-based anatomy references.

Veterinary Neuropathology Facebook Site
Facebook site dedicated to sharing neuropathology education from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

A fantastic collection of resources to help the pet parent understand and cope with the neurological diseases that their pet has been diagnosed with.

BVA Chiari Malformation / Syringomyelia Scheme
Information about MRI screening to enable improved breeding program decisions.

MR Technology Information Portal
Publication based MRI information site covering pulse sequences, artifacts, safety advice and much more.

Powered by the NAVC. A website providing RACE-approved continuing education with plenty of neurology related topics.

Multiple neurology topics presented in blog format suitable for owners of neurological patients.

The fantastic University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine site detailing an MRI sectional atlas.

Incredible video tours of the neuroantomatomy of the dog created by Dr. Vicente Aige at the University of Barcelona.

Great overview of the neuroanatomy and function of the vestibular system with an introduction to its dysfunction

Veterinary Rehabilitation Education Site
Tremendous array of resources for up-to-date rehabilitation education

Concise answers to your MRI technique questions from artifacts to Z-gradients.

Free courses on the science and clinical use of cannabinoids in veterinary medicine

MRI protocols for regional imaging developed by the American College of Veterinary Radiology.