Web-Vet TM Neurology Specialists

The clinical evaluations that make up the neurological examination are demonstrated using video clips, 3D animated sections, and illustrated anatomy sections with accompanying text descriptions. All images and animations are copyrighted by, and used with permission of, UGA College of Veterinary Medicine.

MRI and CT atlases of the brain help you identify the normal anatomy of the dog's intracranial CNS

Use these colorful illustrations of the CNS to identify to test your knowledge on the important structures of both the brain and spinal cord
Coming Soon

Test yourself on the neurological exam of this 3D virtual dog.
Coming Soon

Review how to test the cranial nerves and what functional pathways each test uses with these 3D animated videos

Check out the functional anatomy of the proprioception and nociception pathways with these illustrated videos

Learn how to perform the spinal reflexes and discover the underlying nerve pathways responsible