Web-Vet TM Neurology Specialists

Canine Lafora Disease
An 8-year-old female neutered Miniature Wirehaired Dachshund with a few month history of episodes of 'twitching' often triggered by light or movement in the visual field. Neurological examination was otherwise unremarkable.
A CT study of the brain was normal. The video provided with the CT study was considered suggestive of myoclonic seizures which given the breed predilection prompted to test this dog for Lafora disease. This genetic test confirmed that this dog was homozygous for the mutation in the NHLCR1-gene which is causative for Lafora disease. For the time being, this dog is being managed with an antioxidant-rich diet (Hills b/d TM) and symptomatic antiepileptic drug (levetiracetam) as well as limiting, as practical as can be, the triggers.
Courtesy of Katrine Calder at Aberdeen Veterinary Referrals.
For further reading about canine Lafora disease click on the link below.