Web-Vet TM Neurology Specialists

Rottweiler Leukoencephalomyelopathy
A two-year-old male Rottweiler was presented with a several-month history of progressive tetraparesis and ataxia with mild hypermetria on the thoracic limbs. No neck pain was detected.
MR study of the neck shows linear T2W mildly hyperintense lesions on sagittal and STIR dorsal images at C1 and C2 levels. On transverse images, these lesions are well-demarcated, ovoid, hyperintense T2W signals with a bilateral and symmetrical appearance in the region of the lateral funiculi. These lesions were T1W isointense and not associated with contrast enhancement or signal void on T2*. MR study of the brain was not performed.
Given the breed, progressive neurological signs, and imaging findings, Rottweiler leukoencephalomyelopathy was considered the most likely diagnosis and was confirmed on a blood sample submitted for genetic testing.
Courtesy of Koen Santifort and Marta Plonek, IVC Evidensia-Arnhem, Netherlands